Parenting in New York has reached a crisis point

Child care is the largest monthly bill for many New York families

We are missing work due to a lack of child care options.

But not all workers are impacted equally. Women and people of color are disproportionately locked out of the workforce due to lack of child care options

Full-time employees are missing significant amounts of work due to child care complications:

  • 82% of those missing work for child care reasons are women

  • Black and multiracial parents have had to quit a job, or turn down job opportunities, at TWICE the rate of white parents

Child Care workers are paid so little that they also have trouble accessing child care:

  • 93% of child care workers are women

  • 25% of caregivers live in poverty

  • More than half have incomes low enough to qualify child care subsidies  

New Yorkers are leaving for other states to raise their families

...just when young parents are deciding where they are putting down roots and where they will raise their families for decades to come.

To retain families, New York needs free, quality, and easy to access child-care, with well paid care- givers.

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